Occupational Health Services in Dyersburg, TN

Occupational Health Services in Dyersburg, TN

Hometown Urgent Care Provides Work Injury Treatment, Drug Testing, and Other Occupational Medicine Services. Call (731) 325-5678 for more information. Walk-Ins Available. No Appointments Needed. Visit us at 2550 Parr Ave, Dyersburg, TN 38024.


Workplace injuries can be caused by a variety of reasons — such as a hazardous work environment, not using safety equipment properly, or not following the correct procedures. If you have an employee that needs immediate medical attention for occupational injury, please go online HERE (Insert the FILL IN BLANK OPTION) and book appointment or call at Hometown Urgent Care, Dyersburg, TN. 731.325.5678.

From sprained ankles to minor burns, we can provide you with both a quick diagnosis and treatment plan that will help you get back to work in no time at all. The best part is that we accept most insurance plans and third-party administrators (TPAs) for our occupational health services, which helps minimize large out-of-pocket costs.

To maximize your employee health and productivity, Hometown Urgent Care provides comprehensive solutions with efficiencies to minimize cost, help your bottom line, and minimize workplace interruption. How? We offer many health exams, lab services and X-rays during extended, after-work hours to help your business stay productive. We would like for you to consider Hometown Urgent Care a “one stop shop” to save your employees valuable time. Plus, as an in-network provider for most workers’ compensation insurance plans, we offer injury treatment and independent medical evaluations.

Hometown Urgent Care helps you maintain a safe, healthy workforce with services such as physicals, drug and alcohol screenings, as well as a variety of tests. To accommodate everyone’s busy workdays, our online registration system provides easy scheduling options, treatment authorization, results reporting and streamlined billing.

Additional Services to consider? Would you like to avoid the Emergency Room from 8pm-8am?

Contact us if you would like to consider having “After Hours” care for your employees injuries from 8:00 pm – 8:00 am and we can build you a URGENT CARE PLAN that will suit your needs! Contact us and ask for Kristi or Paige. 731.325.5678


There are many advantages to using an urgent care center instead of an Emergency room. The clinics usually have extended hours, including nights and weekends.


Common screenings and physicals offered at our urgent care center include:


When injury and illness occurs on the job, Hometown Urgent Care have experienced clinicians and doctors who will provide your employees with respectful care in an friendly and welcoming environment with a focus on getting them back to work quickly. We provide walk-ins and no appointments necessary for you and your employees convenience.


Treatment Authorization

    Employee Information

    Do you have an existing account?

    Please note if you do not have an active account you will be required to pay for service at the time of the visit or you can fill the following form and you will be contected within 1 business day so we can set up your account prior to sending in your employee for care.

    Services Required


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